CA Will Require that Most New Homes Install Solar


Summer is heating up in southern California, and apparently,
so are the rules and regulations relating to renewable energy. Just recently,
the California Energy Commission unanimously declared that starting in 2020, (most)
newly constructed homes must contain solar panels. To our knowledge, California
is the first and only state to make such a mandate. California is already one
of the top solar consumers in the country due to the abundance of year round
warm weather and sunshine. In the coming years, other states will undoubtedly
look to the success or failure of this new mandate. Builders, utilities, and
solar manufacturers voiced their support, but we can’t help but wonder what the
average consumer thinks about this.

Certainly, as a solar company, we cannot complain about this
new requirement. Our job is to design and sell the most efficient and cost
effective solar products on the market. Proponents of this new policy cite to
the fact that it will generally help the state become more environmentally and
renewable-friendly. When a solar power system is installed on a home, it will,
on average, save the homeowner about $19,000
over 30 years. The average upfront cost will be somewhere around
$9,500.00. Even with solar, the homeowners will still need to draw at least
some, albeit much less power from the grid. California is the most populous
state and has the least number of residential dwellings per individual.
Therefore, adding solar panels will likely have a profound long-term
environmental effect. While the goals of this policy are undoubtedly at first
glance noble, opponents have different opinions.

Opponents, or those against this new policy, feel that the
government should generally not have a say in what goes on their homes. Since
solar panels are considered somewhat of a luxury, or an additional expense,
many feel that they should not be forced into installing solar on an already
expensive home. In fact, California already has some of the most expensive
homes in the country. The additional expense of solar panels may discourage
some from home ownership. Other opponents argue that the new solar panel
mandate is a result of political pressure rather than a neutral decision. Others
simply don’t want to deal with the maintenance and care of the power system.

Call us optimistic, but we are trying to look at the
positive side of this great debate. We encourage solar installation because in
nearly all cases, it is a good investment,. With that being said, we’d prefer
that the customer make his/her own choice to purchase rather than being
mandated. In any event, we are confident with the performance, price and
quality of our products, and believe that they would be a welcome addition to
many California homes. 

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